
All employees deserve to be treated in a fair and respectful manner and are entitled to equal treatment in their employment without discrimination. The purpose of this policy is to outline our approach to fostering an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.

It explains the behaviors we expect from our team members and the procedures that we will follow if anything in this policy is alleged to have been violated.

We ask all team members to review and sign this policy to indicate they have read and understood it. We’ll update the policy as our requirements change as we evolve and grow, as well as when changes are required by law.

Policy application

Achieving a workplace free of discrimination and harassment depends on everyone’s actions. Therefore, this policy and the rules contained in it apply to all people working at/for MUI irrespective of seniority, tenure, and working hours. It includes all employees, consultants and contractors, casual or agency staff, directors, and officers (referred to as MUI Team Members).

We expect all MUI Team Members to take personal responsibility and accountability for maintaining a safe and positive work environment — free of discrimination, harassment, and bullying. This policy applies to all workplace activities that occur both in-person and online, including but not limited to:

Beyond the scope of MUI Team Members, community contributors are asked to adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct: https://github.com/mui/.github/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md ****when they interact on GitHub.


Protected characteristics



Corrective measures

Employees must: