Company identity
- The company name is MUI, standing for “Material to build UIs”
- It used to be an acronym for Material UI, our flagship product, but not anymore.
- It is pronounced as /ɛm juː aɪ/, or “mooee”, like any acronym, such as IBM.
- It’s not pronounced as a word, such as GUI (/ˈɡu·i/) (graphical user interface).
- The incorporated company name in France is
Material-UI SAS
- The MUI company logo can be used with or without the “MUI” word mark.
- Current logo version as of April 2023.
Logomark (icon only)
Transparent bg
White bg
Gradient bg
Plain black bg
Logotype (icon & wordmark)
White bg
Transparent bg
Gradient bg
Plain black bg
White bg
Transparent bg
Gradient bg
Plain black bg
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