See React - Major version release process for the master guidelines. You will find extra steps in these docs that are unique to the Core team.

Differences compared to the baseline:


Once work for a new major has started, it will happen in the master branch, which is the default. If a fix needs to be ported to the current stable version, or any other version, then the usual workflow is to:

  1. Create a PR with the fix pointing to master
  2. Add the needs cherry-pick and v*.x labels to the PR
  3. Once merged, a new cherry-picked PR should be created pointing to the v*.x branch

If this doesn’t work, please reach out to @Diego Andai.

Of course, this workflow might not be suited for all cases. For example, if a fix only applies to the v*.x branch and not master. In that case, a PR pointed to v*.x should be created.

Ongoing process: v7

<aside> <img src="/icons/report_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/report_yellow.svg" width="40px" />

[Q1 2025]: We’re working on v7. The checklist below reflects the progress of this process. It should be reset after we’re done to prepare for the following process.


Branch split

Previous to releasing from any branch

On the master branch