
Developer experience is the sum total of how developers interface with their tools, end-to-end, day in and day out.

The product is an important part, but while it’s paramount to bring a great product to the market, it’s not enough. Developer experience focuses on bridging the gap.


If you've ever found a blog post that should have been in the docs or learned something about the library only from talking to other users, you've felt the misalignment that arises when it's nobody's job to design for the end-to-end developer experience.


KPIs - DevEx

Lifecycle of a developer

Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 00.00.17.png

Source: https://devrelbook.substack.com/p/a-framework-for-developer-relations

The individual components:

The radiating circles


Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 14.09.50.png

DevEx flywheels