
Question❓ Answer
What you get Up to USD 1,000 per calendar year to invest in your development & enablement. e.g. training, courses, certifications, books, etc. from your first day!
How to access Request budget via HiBob. Note: You must not be on a Success Acceleration Plan (SAP) to be able to access the fund.
Why do we offer this? Our culture values learning and growth. This is one way we encourage and support your ongoing development. We want everyone to build the confidence and knowledge needed to work to the best of their abilities.

How we approach the fund

At MUI, we believe that investing in the growth and well-being of employees is critical to our shared success. We view increased learning + sustained well-being as inseparable drivers of your engagement, performance, and development.

To support that, we’ve established the Enablement fund, which provides eligible employees with up to USD 1,000 per year to invest in learning and wellness resources.

The Enablement fund exists to support your ultimate engagement, growth, and career advancement — whether that means learning a language, increasing your technical skills, receiving professional coaching, or something else.

Who’s eligible?

All regular MUI employees who are in good performance standing are eligible for this benefit. Regular employees include part-time employees who work the minimum hours required to be eligible for benefits. You must be employed with MUI at the time of purchase to receive reimbursement for any paid resources under the fund.

<aside> ❓ What is good performance standing? There are lots of indicators of performance at MUI, including individual ratings which connect back to our progression frameworks. For accessing the fund, good performance standing means you are currently not on a SAP.



What else should you know about the fund?

🏦 Taxes

Please note that the funds disbursed through the Enablement fund may be subject to individual taxes, considered as individual income and not only corporate expenses. It is the employee's responsibility to review and comply with local tax laws and regulations. If required by law, taxes will be deducted from the reimbursement amount. Self-employed individuals may purchase resources with the enablement fund for business purposes and must declare them on tax returns.

🔮 What’s covered & what’s not

The Enablement fund can be used for a variety of learning and wellness resources. Below are some examples of what’s covered vs. not covered.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and we encourage employees to propose other relevant resources that contribute to both their learning and well-being. Avoid allocating 100% to only one of learning/well-being.

All expenses must be directly related to your career growth or personal wellness and be pre-approved by your manager in advance of purchase.

Covered ✅ Not covered ❌
Professional coaching Travel
Professional certifications & licenses Food & drinks
English language courses (because used to communicate at MUI) Japanese language courses
Self-service learning (Skillserve, Coursera, Udemy, etc.) Clothes Beauty products
Paid workshops & conferences Spa or medispa visits and procedures
Membership in relevant industry associations Tax preparation services
Books, e-books, and educational materials Equipment such as monitors, tablets, or other electrical goods. See: Untitled ( instead.
Subscriptions to wellbeing apps such as Headspace or Calm
A gym membership

<aside> 🧪 A litmus test for whether or not a resource is covered: ask yourself if this resource truly helps to enhance your job performance. If yes, then it’s likely a go! If you’re doing mental gymnastics to try to justify it, it’s probably a no.
