<aside> 💡 This document reviews Evergreen Jobs/Postings in Ashby.


📑 Introduction

Many companies have jobs/postings/requisitions that remain open indefinitely. These are commonly referred to as evergreen jobs, evergreen postings, posting requisitions, or posting jobs. Even though evergreen roles make reporting complicated, here are a couple of reasons they would be used:

These reports can skew reports and data, especially reports analyzing time. Here are some best practices we would recommend if your team is utilizing evergreen jobs/postings or plans to.

✅ Best Practices

🪪 Make Evergreen Jobs/Postings easy to identify

Regardless of how your organization is utilizing evergreen jobs, everyone can agree that reporting on evergreen jobs is different than reporting on one to one jobs. Many teams rely on individuals and recruiting leadership to keep track of what jobs are evergreen, but in order to make reporting easier and scalable, there should be an easy way to identify what jobs are evergreen.

🗂 Have a clearly defined process that is shared across all Evergreen Jobs or similar jobs

Some organizations hire candidates on the evergreen job; others have the applications collect in the evergreen job and then eventually move or transfer applications to a hire job or requisition. It is important the process is consistent to ensure the best quality data. If candidates are not being processed equally, you run the risk of having limited and/or inaccurate data. Below are some questions and discussion points that we would recommend clarifying and streamlining for evergreen roles.