The purpose of the nonprofit organization is to always place the community first when the for-profit might fail to do such.
The nonprofit pushes the mission of MUI through MIT-licensed code. This is in opposition to the for-profit Company that relies on both MIT and commercial licenses to achieve the same outcome.
A few key pieces of information:
Initially introduced in 2017 to help share the donations and revenues between the different team members and accept Facebook donations.
It was only in 2019 that the for-profit company was incorporated to execute our vision at a higher velocity. At that time, based on the open data you can find above, Material UI was generating above $200k/year.
We share the Open Collective fund with contributors who have been involved for some time and have demonstrated that they differentiate the library: meaning they help fill a gap that no other UI library can.
If you have been contributing for over 3 months and have over 30 PRs merged, you are potentially eligible, you can reach out to us.