‣ Total number of answers: 1589

How would you feel if you could no longer use MUI?

Could you tell us why not?

How would you feel if you could no longer use MUI? Why not be disappointed?

      16 | lack of differentiation with competitors
      11 | didn't get the question
      10 | better alternatives
       8 | DX
          4 | DX - simpler
          3 | DX - beginner friendly
          1 | DX - lightweight
       7 | I'm not using MUI
       5 | customization - easier
       4 | docs
          2 | docs - tutorials
          1 | docs - improve
          1 | docs - more examples
       3 | feel bloated
       3 | fewer breaking changes
       3 | I can do it myself
       2 | diversification of technology investment is healthy
       2 | performance
       1 | a11y - improve
       1 | interoperability with tailwind css
       1 | typescript - faster check

What other library would you use to replace MUI?

Private 🕵️

      28 | Tailwind UI
      26 | Bootstrap
      15 | Ant Design
       9 | Chakra UI
       5 | Angular Material
       2 | in-house
       2 | Semantic-UI
       1 | PrimeReact
       1 | radix-ui primitives and stitches
       1 | Some headless UI solution with a CSS lib

How likely is it that you would recommend MUI to a friend or colleague?

What are your most important criteria for choosing a UI library?

What is the main benefit you get from using MUI?

2019 (731 answers)

      248 | design - look & feel
          58 | design - look & feel
          58 | design - Material Design
          56 | design - look & feel+
          33 | design - consistency
          18 | design
          24 | design - time
           1 | design - inspiration
      193 | time
      128 | DX
          96 | DX - easy to use
          19 | DX - API
          13 | DX - consistency
      89 | components
          57 | components - quality
          26 | components - quantity
           6 | components - advanced
      53 | customizability
      25 | docs
          23 | docs - ?
           2 | docs - quality
       5 | accessibility
       5 | typescript
       4 | community
       4 | community support
       2 | performance
       1 | free

2019 normalized to 2021 for comparison

   539.1 | design
      126.1 | design - look & feel
      126.1 | design - Material Design
      121.7 | design - look & feel+
      71.7 | design - consistency
      39.1 | design
      52.2 | design - time
        2.2 | design - inspiration
  419.5 | time
  278.2 | DX
      208.7 | DX - easy to use
       41.3 | DX - API
       28.3 | DX - consistency
  193.5 | components
      123.9 | components - quality
       56.5 | components - quantity
       13.0 | components - advanced
  115.2 | customizability
  54.3 | docs
      50.0 | docs - ?
        4.3 | docs - quality
    10.9 | accessibility
    10.9 | typescript
    8.7 | community
    8.7 | community support
    4.3 | performance
    2.2 | free

2021 (1589 answers)

     597 | time
     407 | design
        148 | design - look & feel
        122 | design - look & feel+
         73 | design - consistency
         51 | design - Material Design
          6 | design - ?
          4 | design - easy
          2 | design - responsiveness
          1 | design - time
     309 | components
        173 | components - quantity
        124 | components - quality
          5 | components - advanced
          3 | components - data grid
          2 | components - ?
          1 | components - autocomplete
          1 | components - base/unstyled
     306 | DX
        221 | DX - easy to use
         49 | DX - consistency
         32 | DX - API
          4 | DX - ?
     181 | customizability
      57 | docs
         39 | docs - ?
         17 | docs - quality
          1 | docs - quantity
      26 | community
      24 | accessibility
      17 | performance
         15 | performance - runtime
          1 | performance - bundle size
          1 | performance - ?
       9 | community support
       5 | icons
       3 | typescript
       2 | animations