Further reading at: Technical Support
The Community Engineer (CE) is meant to allow other team members to focus on the areas of their product without needing to switch context too much on product areas they don't own/know. We use the round-robin mechanism where a different person is the CE for the week, responsible for the following things:
⚠️ Days off. When you take days off, please make sure to transfer the ownership to someone else.
Success KPIs for the team
- By the end of the week, there shouldn’t be any issues that have the **“status: needs triage” label and are older than 24 hours.** This should ensure that we are actually looking into the created issues. Would be great if we could create a practice where this is a daily activity of the maintainers.
- By the end of the week, there shouldn’t be any open pull requests from the community that haven’t received an initial response. This Toolpad app can help a bit To help with ‣
(Community: unique contributors per month)
This number is a bit unclear since it includes a lot of open PRs that come from the renovate bot and are outdated..
- By the end of the week, there shouldn’t be any issues with no label assigned and are older than 24 hours. This ensures no issues go under the radar, as it sometimes happens when the “status: needs triage” label isn’t applied automatically.