
The default timezone is UTC.


The advantages of using UTC as your one true time zone include

  1. No more need to Google other time zones. You immediately know the difference between where you stand to UTC, and that's it.
  2. Not affected by Daylight Saving Time. This advantage speaks for itself.
  3. No more need to ask people where they are. You can focus on finding availability quickly and easily.
  4. You can add it to your calendar by default or use it as a secondary time. Most calendar solutions support this.

Google Calendar

You can configure your Google Calendar to see both your locale timezone and UTC Timezone.


We use Central European Time (CET) for all our meeting times.


This is so that the DST change impacts the least possible amount of people. We keep track of each person's light saving at ‣:


As of today, October 2024, 80% of the team observes a daylight saving change, and the shift is synched with CET for 68% of the people.

      27 | Last Sunday in October
       8 | No
       3 | First Sunday in November
       1 | First Saturday of September
       1 | First Sunday in October
      40 | TOTAL LINES

We will update the meeting timezone based on how many people observe a daylight saving change. For example, the US removing the DST change in 2025? will have an impact.