Our values are a team agreement. They explain the behaviors
and mindsets
we actively encourage, discourage, and why. They apply to everyone equally at MUI and serve as a guide toward better decision-making, results, and experiences at work.
💙 User obsessed ****💙
“We never lose sight of who we’re serving and why.”
Why: This connects directly to our open core flywheel, by first serving our community, we have faith that they will in return take care of us. But also, if MUI didn’t exist, developers & designers would create these tools themselves. MUI's purpose is to allow the community to delegate their hardest problems, If there is no existing pattern of a lot of people struggling with the problems, and trying to create tools to solve them, whatever we create will be ignored.
🚫 Keep it simple ****🚫
“We keep things simple. For example, most of our work is public, we always default to communicating in public: transparency.”
Why: It fosters an effective open-source work methodology. It’s about focusing on great output, not on how we get it. This value is a negation of bureaucracy because it highly correlates to job dissatisfaction: Reduces admin burden.
🌱 **Chase "better"** 🌱
“We’re driven by an unending desire to improve to reach excellence in everything we do.”
Why: Our industry is very competitive and consolidated. It’s not only about reaching excellence but also how to invest in the future.
🚀 **Trust and deliver together** 🚀
"We choose to cultivate unity as the core of achievement.”
Why: This value reinforces how important it is for a core team of people to work together, in addition to working with the community. This connects to the single touch point flywheel. It’s a counterweight to the previous values: chasing better could create a competitive individualistic culture, avoiding bureaucracy could create anarchy without alignment, putting the community first could isolate us too much from each other, each working with our own clusters of 1,000 users, putting the community first can slow down all decisions, etc.
<aside> 📓 Learn more about how to live each value by viewing the Core Behavior tiles below. ⤵️